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HomeBASE is a state of Massachusetts program for homeless families. You must be referred into this program. HomeBASE helps families who have been found eligible for Emergency Assistance Family Shelter by providing up to $30,000 over a 2-year period, with the possibility of a 3rd year of help.

If your family is found eligible for the EA Family Shelter program, you may be invited to apply.

HomeBASE’s goal is to help families in shelter find stable housing. HomeBASE may provide:

  • Monthly payments to help with rent for up to 3 years for your own apartment, living with a host or co-sharing an apartment
  • First and last month’s rent, security deposit, and broker’s fee for a new apartment
  • Rent and utility arrears: up to $5,000 for outstanding rent or utilities arrears, if the debt is stopping you from signing a new lease
  • Furniture: $2,500 is available to help your family buy beds and/or a kitchen table and chairs
  • Moving expenses (in-state and out of state moving expense details below)

In addition to financial resources, HomeBASE provides a case manager who helps each family find community supports for education, job training, finding a job, and childcare.

Learn more at the HomeBASE website