Empower your community: unite, collaborate, and thrive together

Community engagement is the active involvement of residents in fostering thriving communities. It rallies individuals to collaborate, identify and address challenges, and nurture connections. At its core, community engagement empowers residents to transition from learners to advocates, leveraging their influence to effect change. The ultimate outcome: neighborhoods that are more resilient, dynamic, and inclusive.

Since 2012, Way Finders’ Community Building & Engagement team has been dedicated to meeting residents where they are, with a focus on tackling systemic issues for the betterment of the entire community. We equip residents with the necessary training, tools, and resources to evolve into competent leaders. Furthermore, we forge partnerships with organizations both locally and nationally who share our commitment to grassroots community development.

We take pride in our collective accomplishments, ranging from empowering residents of Springfield’s Mason Square to advocate for infrastructure improvements, resulting in enhanced street lighting, to educating Springfield residents on the interconnectedness of climate change, health equity, digital equity, and systemic racism. Recent initiatives extend to organizing neighborhood cleanups in Holyoke’s Library Commons area and bridging the digital divide by ensuring equitable access to technology for all.

Become an engaged community member!

Read on to learn more about the many opportunities to work with fellow neighbors to make a difference in your neighborhood. If you live in Springfield or Holyoke and want to join these efforts, email us to get started: communityengagement@wayfinders.org

Regional programs and activities

Resident Leadership Program

Resident Leadership Program

Want to build your skills as a resident leader? Each year, Way Finders selects a group of residents to take part in a training framework offered by NeighborWorks America. It’s designed to develop community learners into savvy community leaders—ready to advocate for the neighborhoods they call home.

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Digital Equity

Digital Equity

Access to technology is essential for so many reasons: health, education, social connections, and economic opportunities. This was true before the pandemic—now it’s a critical issue, especially for low-income people. We are working diligently to close the divide and ensure equitable access to technological resources for all.

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Community Leadership Institute

Residents who completed our Leadership Program can join our Community Leadership Institute, an exclusive annual training event. It’s designed to enhance the abilities and voices of community, resident, and volunteer leaders. Teams from across the U.S., D.C., and Puerto Rico participate, taking various courses and crafting action plans for positive neighborhood change.

AmeriCorps VISTA

AmeriCorps VISTA

Want to serve as a catalyst for change? Each year, the Way Finders Community Building & Engagement team is proud to sponsor a member of AmeriCorps VISTA (Volunteers in Service to America). During this one-year opportunity with us, put your passion and perseverance to work as you grow as a grassroots leader.

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Our Work in Springfield

Our programs and activities specifically for Springfield residents include:

  • Flexing your civic muscle, which engages with the community to grow the effort to make specific changes for the benefit of all, such as increased digital equity.
  • Springfield Community Advocates, which trains advocates to lead efforts to improve their community. These advocates do things like recruiting neighbors, planning and facilitating meetings and activities, attending local government meetings and volunteering for neighborhood events.
  • Live Well Springfield climate change, health and equity initiative. This ongoing effort meets regularly to work with residents of Springfield most affected by climate change and health and equity issues.
  • Springfield Neighborhood Investment Plan, which seeks to restabilize Springfield neighborhoods negatively affected by the Covid-19 pandemic. Way Finders is facilitating community engagement with residents, small businesses, and local community-based organizations in the planning process, collecting input from residents, business-owners, and community groups in the participating neighborhoods.

Our Work in Holyoke

  • The Chestnut Community Alliance (CCA) is an active coalition of residents working together to make their neighborhood safe and healthy. CCA residents live in, or have ties to, the two neighborhoods surrounding the Holyoke Public Library and Library Commons, the Way Finders affordable housing development. The group discusses current issues (such as regarding public safety and quality of life), learns updates from community providers, and plans neighborhood events.
  • The Transformative Development Initiative, an economic development program for the downtowns and commercial districts of Gateway cities. Way Finders participates in an advisory group, assessing community needs.

Inspired to make a difference?

If you live in Springfield or Holyoke and want to join these efforts, email us to get started: communityengagement@wayfinders.org

Our Team

Beatrice Dewberry

Community Building and Engagement Director

Anna Cruz

Community Engagement Coordinator

Proud Member of NeighborWorks America Network

Proud Member of NeighborWorks America Network

We take pride in our affiliation with NeighborWorks America, a network comprising nearly 250 leading community development nonprofits nationwide. Through this collaboration, NeighborWorks offers programs and support to empower its members to extend the impact of their initiatives.

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